
Islam & 6 Pillars of Faith

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem "In the Name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful”  

السَّلاَمُ عَلَيْكُمْ وَرَحْمَةُ اللهِ وَبَرَكَاتُهُ 

As salaam alaykum ramatullahi wa barakthu "May the peace of Allah be upon you, and His mercy and 

Dear friends, 

This is just an introduction to aware our brothers and sisters about Islam and what it really says to the mankind. Islam says about our orderly life and nothing other than that. If you live like a good human being with best and correct believes about your creator (ALLAH- GOD ) and His direction- it is called Islam . A real Muslim is a model for all persons and they should be kind and merciful to others. A Muslim cannot hurt others by his words, actions or any of his performance. Very painfully saying now so many persons, who carry the name of Muslim are doing many bad things and creating trouble to other communities and religion. It is really offend-able and prevented by Islam. Believe that everybody created by Allah and we have not right to hurt them at all.

Normally People think that the founder of Islam is Muhammed (SAW) that is not correct. Muhammed (SAW) is the only one prophet who did propagate Islam. Islam is the religion from Allah and from Adam (AS) to Muhammed (SAW) there were so many prophets who were propagated Islam for the wellbeing of people.

Basic things about Islam- About Belief- 6 Pillars of faith

All Muslim should believe six important matters, which should be correct and righteous one. No more no less. It has to be in perfect way. Other ways it is so dangerous. Let me introduce each points separately
1)  Belief about Allah
Allah is the only God who should be worshiped and no one like Allah. He is the only creator and we are created by Him only. No one has any ability by themselves. All ability and power from Allah only. If He wish stop that ability that will be stopped. Most importantly, some of our brothers thinks that Allah can only help you by invisible way- it is very fault idea and He can help all ways with many reasons.

There is no difference between visible way and invisible way for Allah. For Allah everything is visible and all under His power only. One chapter known as Surathul  Ikhlas Allah says about Him as follows (Nobody can understand or express Holy Quran in full meaning or what it really meant by Allah, He knows everything. But to convey some introduction purpose only we can use translation and off course it depends upon the knowledge of translator who translate it. So preferably use explanations written by great scholars of Quran like Imam Razi etc.)
Bismillah ir-Rahman ir-Raheem - In (or with) the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful
1 Qul huwa Allahu ahad - Say, “The truth is: Allah is One.
2 Allahu 's-samad - Allah is Besought of all, needing none
3 Lam yalid wa lam yulad - He neither begot anyone, nor he was begotten.
4 Wa lam yakul lahu kufuwan ahad - And equal to Him has never been any one

And in another chapter Known as Surathul Bakara which contains one Sentence Knows as Ayathul Kursiy, which describes about Allah by Himself in Holy Quran as,

1. Allahu la ilaha ilia huwal-Hayyul-Qayyum- Allah. 
There is no god but He, the Ever-Living, the One who takes care of all that exists.
2. La ta-khu-zhu-hu sinatun wa la nawm. - Nothing can make Him drowsy or make Him sleep
3. La hu ma fissamawati wa ma fil-ard - His are all things in the heavens and on earth.
4. Man dhallladhi yashfa 'ou 'indahu ilia bi idhnihi - Who is there can intercede in His presence
unless He allows it?
4. Ya'lamu ma bayna aydiyhim wa ma khalfahum - He knows what (appears to His creatures as)
before or after or behind them,
5. wa la yuhituna bi shai'im-min 'ilmihi illa bima sha'a - While they will never have any of HisKnowledge unless He wills.
6. Wa si'a kursiyuhus-samaawaati wal-ard - His 'Kursi' contains the heavens and the earth,
7. Wa la ya-ooduhu Hifzuhuma - and He doesn't feel tired in guarding and preserving them
8. Wahuwal- 'aliyul- 'aleem- for He is the Most High, the Supreme (in glory).

Many places in Holy Quran He describes about Himself. If you read and understand Holy Quran you can understand that no book can overcome Holy Quran, because it is the revelation from Allah, the Almighty.

2)  Belief about Angels
In Islam, it is believed that angels have been created out of light, before the creation of humans from clay/earth. They are naturally obedient creatures, worshiping Allah and carrying out His commands. Angels have no free choice, so it is simply not in their nature to disobey. The Quran says, They do not disobey Allah's commands that they receive; they do precisely what they are commanded. Angels are genderless and do not require sleep, food, or drink.
Role of Angels
In Arabic, angels are called mala'ika, which means "to assist and help." The Quran describes that angels have been created to worship Allah and carry out His commands-Everything in the heavens and every creature on the earth prostrates to Allah, as do the angels. They are not puffed up with pride. They fear their Lord above them and do everything they are ordered to do
Angels are involved in carrying out duties in both the unseen and physical worlds.

Angels Mentioned by Name
Several angels are mentioned by name in the Quran, with a description of their responsibilities:
·         Jibreel (Gabriel) - in charge of communicating Allah's words to His prophets
·         Israfeel (Raphael) - in charge of blowing the trumpet to mark the Day of Judgment
·         Mikail (Michael) - in charge of rainfall and sustenance
·         Munkar and Nakeer - after death, these angels will question souls in the grave about their faith and deeds
·         Malak Al-Maut Asrayeel  (Angel of Death) - in charge of taking possession of souls after death
·         Malik - guardian of hell
·         Ridwan - guardian of heaven
·         Rakeeb and Atheed- in charge of writing our actions, words , deeds etc

3)  Belief about Holy Books
Allah revealed  scriptures and books to Prophets to lead their community in the right way. In this mainly Four books are more noticeable.

1. Zabur - which was revealed to Prophet Dawood (AS) - David
2. Towrath- which was revealed to Prophet Moosa (AS)- Moses
3. Injil- which was revealed to Prophet Isa  (AS)- Jesus
4. Quaran- which was revealed to Prophet Muhammed Musthafa (SAW)

All the above three were revealed by Allah and it is for particular community only. These three later altered and intervened by humans. There is no original copy of above three can be find.
The last one,  Holy Quran still in original form and it will be so on till doomsday. It is not only revealed for Muslim but for all Man kind and Muhammed (SAW) is not only belong to Muslims but also for all including human and nonhuman. 
Holy Quran revealed through Angel Jibreel to Muhammed (SAW) by different occasions. No books can replace nor over come Holy Quran by anything. 
4)  Belief about Prophets
Allah sent specially men for leading the mob. They are the link between Allah and normal human being  Allah reveals them His message through Angel Jibreel and  Jibreel giving to Prophets. 
They are not like normal human being. They are special in their ability and that is the reason they can see angel and accept the messages from Allah. 
They are special but they are not GOD or His children. They are merely slave of Allah and His Messenger.  But through them we can ask for help from GOD even though they are not right now with physical appearance because ultimately Allah is the helper may be these prophets are mean for it.
All prophets are send for particular community or society except Prophet Muhammed (SAW) who is for All human and non human ,all world and whatever Allah created.
Muhammed (SAW) is the Leader all messengers of Allah and He is the Last Prophet of Allah.Nobody will come as prophet after him. Occasionally saying Isa (AS) will come in the last timings of the world but not as prophet but as the propagator and ruler  of Muhammed (SAW)'s messages only

5)  Belief about Doomsday
Muslim should believe that once the world will end. There will be so many signs before the doomsday. Major  signs are follows,

 Imam Mahdi will come
Dajjal will come
 Isa (AS) will come and kill Dajjal
Ya'juj and Maujuj will come
 Big Smoke
 Raising sun from the west
Big beast
and big fire etc.

and there many minor reasons like prostitution, ignorance, disobedience of parents, cheating, and free sex etc will be there when we reach to doomsday.

6)  Belief about Qadr
Muslims should believes that all goodness and badness coming from Allah only. No one can make you in trouble or can save from anything other than Allah. He decides what should happen and what should not happen.